The best education for your child
An education that fits the child, not a child that has to fit the education/curriculum. All children are unique and we adapt our learning schedules based on each individual child’s needs and aspirations.
Our initial focus is on our children’s sensory needs first and foremost. We use Sensory integration, as well as physiotherapy, play via sport, occupational therapist and speech and language therapists as required.
Life independence skills is at the heart of our curriculum including play via art-therapy, water therapy, equine therapy, the care farm or forest school.
Physical education is also key when it comes to ensuring that children are keeping fit, healthy and happy.
Cooking is actively undertaken to provide students with the opportunity to learn new recipes and develop their life skills in a practical way.
All pupils have time to reflect on their learning, celebrate their successes and resolve any difficulties that may have arisen during the school day.
A variety of events take place at the school to encourage a sense of fun in school including Sports Days, Mental Health Awareness Days, School Trips, Summer Picnics, Food Tasting days and Culture day.
As long as learning is fun and makes an impact.
Therapies we incorporate into learning
PAT therapy
Play therapy
Music therapy
Equine therapy
SALT therapy
Occupational therapy

Forest School
“I don’t have autism when I’m in the woods” David, 14
Forest schools are nothing short of inspirational for young children.
They allow them the freedom and rebuilding of confidence by doing activities around nature, away from the often, urban, challenges of their backgrounds.
Forest schools are not a one off, they are a long-term process. Children spend nearly a whole day, every week outdoors and inspired.
Students take part in a variety of activities including den building, outdoor cooking, fire lighting, tree climbing etc.

Care Farm
“nature, animal caring and fresh air and I feel alive”
All children spend one day a week working on a local, partner built ‘care’ farm. Working with animals and nature promotes well-being, working together and caring for animals. Our care farm is built to enable children to be calm, as independent as possible and rebuild self-confidence.

Physical Activity
“ being active, moves the body and the mind”
It is widely accepted that good, regular physical activity is essential to positive behaviour. This is promoted through a wide range of sports and team/confidence building skills and activities every day. Physical well-being is also based on eating well. All children’s diets are carefully created to ensure optimum wellness